Sunday, May 25, 2008

Juno Too

Well, I must say, I worked by but off on this little parody. Originally edited for the MTV Movie Spoof Contest, we got a bit hosed over at Dailymotion. Congrats to the winner, but I really feel our piece is far better than the video they chose that depicts a mediocre sketch with a horrendous Matthew McConaughey impression, although it was shot pretty well. (Doesn't make it funny though).

The MTV contest or its affiliates contacted Wicked Awesome Films on three separate occasions asking us to submit to the contest. I would've never done it if it weren't for my lovely girlfriend Sarina, who is both funny and cute in this little sketch, starring as Juno's girlfriend, Pauline Bleeker.

At the end of the day, I think we have one of the better Wicked Awesome Films we've ever made and I hope you all enjoy it. I really loved the original movie and I had fun making this parody with all my friends.

-Bobby J.